Why do women use makeup?


Makeup and cosmetics are notorious for being bad for the environment and it makes women look like clowns, you see an average dumb woman wearing more shit on her face than Ronald Mcdonald (incase you're a young zoomer it was mcdonalds clown mascot) and not only are they damaging their skin and hair with all those synthetic and toxic chemicals which have also been tested on love animals, but I'm pretty sure that producing those chemicals that women somehow is contributing to climate change.

Imagine being a woman and having no personality or mind of your own other than just hoarding tens of thousands or more money just to waste on ugly hideous clothing and cosmetics and makeup that turns guys off, the only men who like women to be skinny and younger and wear makeup are guys who have a loli fetish and pretend they're fucking a young girl to cope being a creep and a weirdo. If anyone should be wearing makeup and look youthful and cute and skinny should be men in my opinion.

Why do women use makeup?
4 Opinion