Why guys ignore/avoid girls they seem to like sometimes


Hey, I've seen so many posts about girls who like guys, think the guys like them but they are for some reason ignoring them even though these girls know for a fact that the guy is hiding some feelings or admiration for them, so why? Why do guys act like that ?

Why guys ingore/avoid girls they seem to like sometimes

Why do we guys ignore girls when it seems we like them?

I am a guy, and I've been put in such situations more than few times tbh, a little about me: 6'2, good body (average-not skinny but not overweight at all and in good shape- used to work out before for quite a while), funny, nice, witty, smart and careless, and (and I am not trying to show off or anything, it's for the sake of this myTake and it's not my own opinion but those around me) very good looking, yes I've been told by girls, yes I've been stared at quite lot and even got some interest signs from taken girls (Didn't work out but on that later) so it's safe to assume that I should be able to get a girl whenever I want, right ?... Wrong, and the reason?

Girls, you truly dont know how to give signs and when you do we have so many things to be afraid of so we usually dont approach you or say anything until you make it pretty clear that you like us; don't get me wrong it's obvious to notice when a girl likes us .... and that's when problems arise, we get the looks, (from a low angle), staring, checking out, you treat us nice, we feel like something could actually happen, then this happens......

You give signs even though you are taken, even though you know nothing will ever happen and you are not interested yet you give signs, and I know from trial and error and being turned down by some girls that while they seemed way too interested and willing and giving me signs right and left (I am not talking about looking at me once, I am talking about at least a month or two worth of signs) looks, staring, seeming really interested in us and what we have to say just to find out later on that you were just enjoying your time an attractive guys and are not interested in going any further.

So guys who avoid girls that seem to show interest in them even though they seemed to care themselves before, do it for one of these reasons:

1- They are afraid of the girl being taken: Because lots of girls give strong signs and seductive looks, gestures yet end up taken and we all know that it does not work out if the person you're interested in is already taken.

2- They are afraid of getting rejected: Because while you really were fun and interesting and enjoyed giving and recieving attention you were not willing to go any further and it shows when we try to get closer just for you get distant and stop acting interested and even avoiding us sometimes.

These things apply to both genders, however I've noticed that girls do it way more often than guys. And guys are usually more about sex. So you're gonna get something alright even if it's not a relationship. Also most guys dont approach girls they're not interested in dating even for a short while.

Why guys ignore/avoid girls they seem to like sometimes
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