Stop Using Introversion or Shyness as an Excuse!


Just stop. Everybody is shy to a degree. Lots of people are introverts. Think about how and why you use it as an excuse.


That typical situation. You like that person you regularly see or it's just that person at the party that is really attractive to you but what do you do about it? Nothing. I mean what can you do? You're shy or introverted, right?

Stop Using Introversion or Shyness as an Excuse!

Some even claim to have social anxiety disorders that were never diagnosed. You don't wanna do it. You feel scared of it so you use anxiety, shyness or introversion as an excuse not to do it.


Now why do you use that excuse? It's because you convinced yourself that you can't possibly attract the person you're after because you convinced yourself that your shyness, introversion or anxiety will be an issue that takes any possible chance away from you. It may not even feel like an excuse to you. Maybe you have tried some time and had no success, thereby you positively reinforced your own assumption that you are too shy for this.

Ask yourself, how often did you actually try? How often did you fail even though you gave it your very best? Did you really give your "very best" or did your prejudice about your shyness make the failure a self fulfilling prophecy?

Fight your shyness and introversion.

So you're shy or introverted. I get it. I am too, in fact I am partly writing this very take as kind of a reminder for myself. Who said you have to be shy or an introvert all the time? Who said you can't take the role of an extrovert, confident person once in a while? You may not feel comfortable in those roles but you can sure take those roles for some time and then fall back to being shy. Put yourself in situations where you consciously try to act out the confident extrovert role. If just for a brief moment at first, that's a start. Do it more often. Step out of your comfort zone of hiding behind shynes and introversion for longer and longer periods of time.

You can stay shy or introvert at your very core. but nobody has to play one role their entire lives. Experiment with the other side. Learn to be the other side. It will bring you much closer to that person you are attracted to, because believe me even people who aren't shy or introverted often don't dare to go up to them and speak to them.

Stop making your shyness and introversion an excuse. Learn to leave them behind temporarily and step out of your comfort zone.

Stop Using Introversion or Shyness as an Excuse!
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