What does it mean when a guy give you a tight hug?

Me and my guy friend lost touch over the months cause he apparently always liked me but thought I friendzoned him so he has been distant. Well I went to a party and he was there. He was looking at me a lot and then he started to talking to my step brother a lot and then he looks over at me and says "Hey why did you put up a pic of yourself at a bar?" I said "Oh it was a joke!" and then he said "You're bizarre" so I brushed it off.

Then my strep brother said he had to pick me up from a friends house and he said "Where?" and wanted to know. Then he quickly left, he said"I have to go guys" and he is saying bye to everyone then when he comes to me, he gives me this stare and has a depressed look on his face, and he hugs me, and it was a tight hug. I just don't know what that means? He tightly hugged me, when it seemed like he was upset with me. So what does that mean? Thanks.
What does it mean when a guy give you a tight hug?
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