A friend that is a girl holds your hand, sleeps on your shoulder, and other similar stuff. What did it mean when she did it to you?

She initiated handholding. She laid/slept on your shoulder. She held your arm when sitting next to each other. When sitting next to you she put her weight into you. She makes excuses for handholding. She made prolonged, strong eye contact.

What did it mean when she did stuff like this to you, or, what would it mean as a girl if you did stuff like this to your new guy friend? (Teenagers)

If similar stuff happened to you then was she showing interest or truly just being good friends?
She was showing interest and it turned to more
She was not showing interest, just close friends
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A friend that is a girl holds your hand, sleeps on your shoulder, and other similar stuff. What did it mean when she did it to you?
2 Opinion