Why does a man with high self-confidence stare all the time? but why doesn't he come to talk like he used to?

There is a child, we have mutual friends or something. We came and talked a few months ago, and before that, we rarely spoke. For the last month or so, at least for a month or so, every time I look at him, he looks at me and when I'm not looking, my friends looked at you while they were passing by, or he turned around and said, yes, I like the boy, yes, but a person with high self-confidence doesn't talk to me like he used to, he hasn't come and talked to me since that day, he keeps staring, why doesn't he talk? I say wait for me to come and talk, but we don't have a close sincerity in our friendship? Let's say he doesn't like it then I can't figure out what he's looking at
Why does a man with high self-confidence stare all the time? but why doesn't he come to talk like he used to?
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