What would you do in a Carla situation?

This always seems to happen in particular with Spanish and Latin American girls named Carla, hence being coined the Carla situation:

You meet an incredibly attractive girl named Carla at some social gathering. You both hit it off immediately and there is clearly mutual attraction and flirting. You get her contact information and start chatting. However, the very next time you meet up with her and her friends she is flirting with another guy at the club/party and ends up going home with him. What do you do?

(a) Stop talking to her. What she did was disrespectful
(b) Even if it was disrespectful or immature of her there still seems to be mutual attraction there. You should suck it up and still try to bang her
(c) Call her out on her behavior. Might get you some answers and closure but will likely lead to the same result as option (a)
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Option (b) got cut off. It should say: still try to bang her
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Update: I went with option 3 😄
What would you do in a Carla situation?
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