A guy friend & I get very competitive when it comes to games my friend mentioned she sees attraction?


Board games, pool play water guns, cards, trivia a guy friend & I get so Competitive where we will taunt & roast each other to the point we laugh ourselves to mush. Hell even a game of tag on foot or bikes.
my friend that observed us said its like watching 2 Squirrels flickering their tales in playfulness. She also mention even on Intellect.
I would state a fact and he will fact check me all the time say “ I don’t know about that, actual u can see why you got that confused let’s see if your right” he does this a lot where I will roll my eyes but I’m charmed by it. Can this be sexual tension or attraction but oversaw it because well he has been a brother to me. He is playful in general but a lot agree he is the mostly Initiates playful, competitive the behavior heavily with me.


A guy friend & I get very competitive when it comes to games my friend mentioned she sees attraction?
2 Opinion