If you have a preferred type of man or woman you want to date would you let that all go to date someone the total opposite?

So my boss hired a new guy to work at our warehouse, he didn't really talk to anyone except for the other men in the warehouse but for some reason we hit off fast. We literally became friends, we always hangout, have lunch, I even slept at his house once ( we didn't do anything ). So one day I was teasing him about how all the girls thinks he's cute and he told me he wasn't interested in any of them, it felt like he was really stern about his preference in woman. So here I am thinking okay so he's not into me, that's when I started feeling safe around him. So last night he was acting jealous when he saw me smiling, laughing and hugging one my old co workers that came to visit after leaving for 2 years. So I thought maybe I assumed he was, he actually admitted that he was jealous telling me how, he doesn't know why I like him because he looks ugly I'm better looking than him, etc... so I told him why do you care. Because you love women with a nice toned body ( I'm overweight) so he then told me he didn't mean like that when it came to me, he thinks I'm really cute and sweet but he just have a preference. So I just don't understand why get upset and jealous if you're not attracted to me.

If you have a preferred type of man or woman you want to date would you let that all go to date someone the total opposite?
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