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Why do people spread so many sexual rumors about women? More importantly, why do so many people jump to conclusions and believe all those said rumors?

I'm sure it happens to men, too, but I've had several rumors spread about me. This is going to be long, so please bear with me.

A lot of men have talked about me sexually. My old boss, let's call him Billy, who is 67 (I'm 25) has said things like I was his workplace crush and how I was wearing that sexy black dress that he likes (He saw it on Social Media). Because of this, there have been several rumors about us sleeping together. Some people even claim they saw me first hand going into his place and f^cking. There was another guy, let's call him Mark, who has tried to place a claim on me. When a new guy, Braydon, arrived (young and single), Mark told him how I was off limits. He never explicitly stated we were dating but left subtle hints. Mark told him things like I was quiet, but I had a "wild side." Well, Braydon found out I was single and had zero feelings for Mark. We've been together ever since. When Mark found out, he told him about the rumors regarding me and Billy. Braydon didn't believe Mark, but a lot of other people did. In fact, one of my old coworkers/friends got in touch with me a week after Mark told Braydon about those rumors. She told me how she ran into one of our old coworkers, Dalia, and Dalia told her I slept with Billy when I worked under him. Funny thing is Braydon is my first boyfriend. I was a virgin yet the workplace slut at the same time.

But it doesn't just happen to me. There is a new girl who was promoted to Corporal a week after she finished training to be an officer. She is going to be on Day shift with the male administration. But people are already spreading rumors that she knew some of the administrators "really well." I know way better than to believe in those rumors, and anyone with half a brain wouldn't believe in them either.

So here's the question: Why do so many people make up rumors about women sleeping with men of authority? Why do people not see that some men are just pervs? Can no one think for themselves, anymore?

Why do people spread so many sexual rumors about women? More importantly, why do so many people jump to conclusions and believe all those said rumors?
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