Girls, does taking too long to make a move turn you off?

OK, to cut a long story short, the girl I like is in a wrecked relationship. They always break up and come back again. I met her 2 months ago, and since then we really clicked. She shows signs of both liking me and seeing me as a friend, so I decided to take things slowly until I am very positive she likes me as something more. She does controversial things that really confuse me; for example, she tells me her boyfriend problems and how she wants to be with him or finds him very annoying, and on the other hand, she once invited me to her place (alone) and we even got out on our own. Also, she calls me cute names and tries to talk to me all the time. When we were out, she exhibited flirty behavior: asked me to go for a walk on the docks, when we went to eat she played with her hair and wouldn't stop moving her leg - when I teased her about it she said she does it all the time- she hugged me before she left, and didn't seem to have a problem when I made physical contact.

Anyway, I both chickened out and postponed things for the right time. But now, I'm afraid that this was my window of opportunity and that I lost it. Do you thnk that if she likes me, it's better to take things slow?
Girls, does taking too long to make a move turn you off?
1 Opinion