A couple days ago, I had to clock out and she came to take over so I stayed a few extra minutes to help her clear some stuff out, it was a lot of work left. As we worked we talked and she asked me questions about my past and education and what she would like to do in her future. I listened and had a great convo with her. When I clocked out, I said bye to her and shook her hand and told her to give me a hug, and she did with a kiss in the ear, Latino thing lol.
I don't want to chase her much at all but I do like her. I don't wanna text her out of the blue because I don't want to appear creepy or like I like her alot. I heard that she may like this other guy tho at the job...he tends to make fun of her alot, almost being mean so idk...
Idk what to do: all I have been doing is talking to her, smiling and whatever and when she came in yesterday and saw me she came over to hug me... I know girls like to take things slow and tend to go after guys who don't chase them much but I don't know if I should keep doing what I'm doing or what...
i don't want to ask her out and make the work environment between us, weird. Any suggestions or should I keep doing what I'm doing until she gives a picture that she likes me too
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