Does this girl at work like me?

I work an on campus job for the semester, and I have about 8 shifts left with this girl. I am definitely into this girl and I'm trying to decide if she feels the same.

She is extroverted and talks to other guys at work fine, but she is reserved when talking to me. She rarely starts conversation with me other than saying hi, but she responds to things I say to other people. She tends to agree with the things that I say. She seems to be somewhat nervous and awkward around me. She is very nice to me, and smiles most of the time when she is talking to me or doing something for me. She is very helpful to me at work. She avoids eye contact and looks at the ground when walking past me, she only does this with me. She laughs at things I say when they aren't really funny, and she was giggling by herself at something I did the other day. I see her staring at me from farther away a decent bit. She yelled bye to me one time when she was on the phone with her friend which I thought was weird. It seems sometimes she tries to play it cool with me, and other times she seems a bit excited. She kind of has a deer in headlights look when we do make eye contact. She preens a lot when I'm around.

Is it possible she likes me, even though she doesn't talk to me that much? Is she waiting for me to make a move? Should I ask her to lunch?
Does this girl at work like me?
2 Opinion