How comes guys are not into me?

I'm 23 and never even kissed a guy. I've tried working on myself I'm only like 20 lbs overweight but that's it, based on my frame it only looks like I'm "a little above average" according to a guy friend.

I was really shy when it came to making guy friends and talking to guys in general even in university. Now that I've graduated I don't feel shy around guys (can approach them and become friends with them). However, I feel like guys I find attractive I can't seem to be myself around them. I end up doing or saying something stupid.

The only dates I've been are from online dating. All four were first dates and never heard from the guys again. Some of them were real jerks on the date and acted like they really wanted to leave. However, I've been rejected by countless guys I've messaged online, like they'll start talking and then disappear (after seeing more pics) or even after seeing pics and texting for a few days they disappear and tell me their "busy" "seeing someone" when its not true.

I don't think its my appearance that much that is the problem, or is it? I'm like a 6 in terms of my face. I don't know if its because I appear pretty in pics and then guys saw me in real life and were like "woah no thanks". I straighten/curl my hair went I'm out, always put on medium amount of make up etc. and I'm working out to lose the weight for health reasons (its taking a long time to come off). So I'm putting in as much effort as I possibly can there.

People keep saying, "the right guy will find you" etc. But if I put in NO EFFORT at all then what will happen? Nothing.

I try subtle in approaching guys when I'm in a club or bar and they reject me. For example if I try to talk to a guy casually at one of those places he won't really reciprocate or carry on the convo=rejection right?. And I know this guy is single because I've seen him around the venue dancing/chatting up other chicks.

Is any other GIRL in the same situation?

Will a guy find it super weird and not date me for the fact I'm SO inexperienced? If I ever find a guy will he be putt off by the fact I can't kiss or anything, even if I lie to him and say I've been in a relationship before?

As the new year approaches I'm just confused.

How comes guys are not into me?
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