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Videos: Flirting

1 mo

Can you notice if someone is attracted to you? I think when (if that's a woman) she truly likes you, she could express like Jolie in the vid, during ovulation or not. Well, if ladies disagree with me, you can...
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2 mo

Ever flirted with the wrong twin? Happened all the time with my friend. Growing up my 4 bff's were both twins and often Thier bfs and dates would confuse them and say something sweet to the wrong twin. Latter...
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How do I act stupid with men without them thinking I am flirting?

I heard that men think if a woman is jokey with them she is flirting. I just get bored and like playing around but I really don’t want anything deeper. Just friends.
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Is there a celeb that has a similar accent/tone of voice to what you like in a girl/guy?

You can name em and I’ll go check out a video interview of theirs or something if I’m not familiar with their voice. For me, I like how TI and Geazy sound . Its slight rough neckish and slang. Plus I like how TI can go...
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Ever been blue over someone, even if they have lied to you and it wasn't returned?

Ever been hot for someone but your affection wasn't returned? How did that make you feel?
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Have you ever been so obsessed and attached to someone, to later question why you even liked them in the first place?

Have you ever wondered why you liked him in the first place? Was it just attraction? Did you just like the attention?
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Have you ever purposely dropped something in hopes someone else would pick it up?

Whether it be someone you liked and you wanted to break the ice and start up a conversation... or whether it be you just having a perve moment and wanting to watch them bend over and get it... or whether it be you having...
Add Opinion 12 38

What is the “I’m Not Like Most Girls” phenomenon? So I was thinking about how the idea of “I’m Not Like Most Girls”, and how it is widespread. And wrongly used. IM HONESTLY STARTING TO THINK THAT MOST GIRLS ARE LIKE MOST...
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When you’re getting over someone, do you take time to yourself or do you hookup with others to get over it faster?

No matter how into the guy i may be, I’m a flirt, so being hurt is not going to keep me down for longer than a day or two. Thats just how I’m built. Like my no good daddy and my grandpa... we just flirt with others a...
Add Opinion 14 46

How good are your flirting skills?

I am really bad when it comes to flirting 😓 I don't know how to be smooth like the water, like bruce lee said "be like water" I can't even thought the body is 70% made from water XD I am saying so much random shit, but...
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Do you ask a persons age before flirting?

Im mainly referring to in person cause online we dont know wtf to believe lol. Before covid hit, Grocery stores, Movie Theaters, Gas Stations, Gamestop and the Walmart/Target/Best Buy game aisles were the hot spots in...
Add Opinion 22 60

When taken and someone starts flirting with you, do you tell them you’re taken or only if asked?

In college, I was pursued by this guy for years and he never mentioned his girlfriend once. She even approached before he did. Til this day he still hasn't mentioned her. Lmao i can't. I've been in this situation so many...
Add Opinion 11 36

Guys, do you personally ever get giddy and gush about a crush to your friends like girls do?

Lmao i’ve been boy crazy since i was in preschool 😂 Had my first love triangle and about 17 more after the fact 😭🙈 Anyways, I try not to like more than one guy at a time but it doesn't always work that way. I’ve been...
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Do you care if you’re the chaser/chasee in terms of pursuing/being pursued?

I’ve been both but I do worry about looking stupid. Like i can be forward but then fear Im too forward. How do you, yourself, show interest without looking desperate? And how do you, yourself, show that they’re a...
Add Opinion 9 50

Have you ever fallen for men/women with that Cali swag?

I don't know what it is about some of the people in Cali but those mfs are smooooth talkers. Its something about the voice and I never wouldve guessed it could surpass that southern twang but damn. They’re one of the few...
Add Opinion 13 47

Do you care if your partner goes to the strip club?

And Does it make a difference if your boyfriend/girlfriend goes to the stripclub vs if your husband/wife does? Like does their status matter? I’m personally not cool with it. They need to get all their hoeing out before...
Add Opinion 58 99

How often do you remember/take note of the things your crush tells you about themselves?

I used to be well invested in the person when crushing. I used to take note of stuff they told me. Like if they mentioned their bday, i’d set it in the calendar as a reminder lol. Or if they mentioned their fave...
Add Opinion 5 33

How hot is your wife?

I bet she is 10/10 for him. So sweet... Awwww. 😍😍
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Caption this photo of smitten Thumper and his love interest Miss Bunny? The original caption on the internet which I came across was "When he emotionally opens up to you, and you see his softer side." That is very cute, but let's play a game and...
Add Opinion 4 25

When you (yourself) hardcore flirt with someone, what are your intentions behind it?

Please speak for yourself and please feel free to comment below some other reasons you may do it #FeelFreeToList #WhyYouFlirtinFoo
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