When you’re getting over someone, do you take time to yourself or do you hookup with others to get over it faster?

No matter how into the guy i may be, I’m a flirt, so being hurt is not going to keep me down for longer than a day or two. Thats just how I’m built. Like my no good daddy and my grandpa... we just flirt with others a lot. Its what we do. I personally wouldn’t physically get with someone as a way to get over someone but like i said, i technically would already be over the person either way. However i wouldn’t fully be over how the situation went down. So yes sometimes i need a distraction and a mf can forget real quick. But i like to turn distractions into permanent interactions. I don’t want temporary fun. I want something everlasting. Anyways, i’ll always love this song. I’ve posted it before but it continues to give me the chillzzzz
I dont’t agree but i get it...
I dont’t agree but i get it...
#FeelFreeToList #GetOverByGettingUnder
When you’re getting over someone, do you take time to yourself or do you hookup with others to get over it faster?
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