Flirting Life Hacks For Guys

This myTake was inspired by a previous one from @Jjpayne, who so kindly "passed me the torch" ~ a code word to say he's busy...
8 50

Difference between catcalling a woman and complimenting a woman.

Please read everything before you comment. Be respectfull and open to other opinions. Thank you There is a big difference between...
6 24

Game is good for pickup and one night stands but I don't want to "game" my future girlfriend

Men need to be strong, be winners, in order to deserve anything. I fully believe that. I believe self esteem is critical for taking...
0 8

Getting flirted with by older men at work, what do you do?

Hi everyone, I want to discuss something which has been at the forefront of my interactions with men in the past years. As a young...
11 22

Harrassment isn't Flirting

Harrassment isn't Flirting Harassment Harrassment doesn’t happen at random! It doesn’t happen because of unfortunate timing and...
11 61

The Art of Female Seduction

The Art of Female Seduction Introduction I see so many girls and guys on here saying things like, " I'm shy and can't get a date",...
17 72

Flirting for shy people

The only thing that you need for flirting is very simple, it's just a matter of tactics. You place yourself physically nearby and start...
5 14

He said he could have pretended to be my boyfriend?

i don’t really know what to think of this but basically i was telling him how i kept on getting asked out by this one guy and how I told...

When random women look away fast when she and I make eye contact, is it worth talking to them?

When they're random strangers, sometimes the only thing I'll pick up on is: a girl is looking at me, and when I notice and look back at...

Why does he like seeing me workout?

This guy I met we been texting back and forth. He asked me about my schedule and I was telling him that I workout and he responded...

Why do some men at my job seem to play little games with each other... but with me in the middle?

Its almost like they are lowkey fighting each other over me. Maybe i am just too sensitive so i noticed this or I don't know. But for...

Seduction, skill or natural talent?

Do you think that the ability to attract and seduce the opposite gender is some skill that you can develop or is a natural talent?

Is This A Good Convo?

Hello, I'm 19 and I started talking to this girl who I thought was hot. I slid in her DM's and this is Convo. If possible, pointers will...
1 2

Have you ever had a secret admirer?

It sounds creepy. Never had a "secret admirer" and I dont want to. How about yourself?
32 74

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