The Art of Female Seduction


The Art of Female Seduction

The Art of Female Seduction


I see so many girls and guys on here saying things like, " I'm shy and can't get a date", "Flirting is so hard", even " I don't know how to ask someone out or for their number". Obviously, some people here need my help.

Getting a guys number, a date, even seducing a guy is easy. There is a art to seduction though. Fallow some of these tips and most importantly have confidence in yourself while doing them. If you don't like yourself why would he like you?

The Art of Female Seduction

Approaching Him

Never approach a guy without a plan first or you might go blank once you get in front of him. Think of what you will say to him and what he may reply with. Begin your seduction always at an indirect angle. Instead of saying "how are you doing" or something boring, give him a compliment or ask him a random question instead like "Is there a gas station around here"?

The Art of Female Seduction

Walk by him or make strong eye contact first from a distance, never directly walk up to him. Make him notice you first before approaching him. If you have to walk by him to go to the bathroom or to go outside several times, just do it.

The Art of Female Seduction

In the First Conversation

Play by his rules and follow his pace. Indulge him with (compliments). Being charming is key in seduction. Adapting to his moods gives him nothing to defend or resist with and he will relax.

Enter his spirit - Oprah

He will feel at home with you and lower his guard if you let him lead the conversation. Feel him out and see what type of guy he is. If he is serious you be serious, if he is silly you be silly. Now we have a conversation going.

The Art of Female Seduction

Finish Strong

This is important ladies Always get his number never give him yours! If you take his you are in control of the situation.

This way there is no wondering when or if he will call you. Wait awhile before you call, make him wonder about you and think of you before calling him. Men love to be curious about a girl so give them mystery.

The Art of Female Seduction

When to Call

Call him three to five days later. This shows him that he's not a priority to you and you have a life. In a week or so he will be happy to hear from you maybe even surprised. Call at night, but not after nine or ten o'clock, because hopefully he works and might have to the next day early.

What to Say

It's very important this conversation goes well. The key to a good first phone conversation is a hidden Sub text. Never use crude language upfront. Plant ideas in his head by dropping elusive hints or thoughts that take root in his mind hours later. Remember a man's favorite subject to talk about is always himself. Ask him questions about himself and his life. Trust me he will have no problems talking about it.

The Art of Female Seduction

Combine ambiguous or suggestive comments with alluring bold statements. Follow bold statements with a calm, cool retraction or a apology. Apologizing to him shows him you care what he thinks about you and shows submission.

You have to lock in the date on this call. If plans are not made on this call there is a 99% chance they won't be made later either. If he doesn't ask on the phone you out ask him.

The Art of Female Seduction

I hope this helps someone and thank you for reading.


The Art of Female Seduction
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