Why Cannibalism is Evil?

I was thinking about the other day when I asked what the big deal is about cannibalism. I was so drunk and I think I was so impulsive and I'm sorry about that to everyone on here.

I get a few drinks in me and I just keep wanting another and another and I just don't really calculate things, you know? Like meat is meat in my simplistic mind when I'm drunk. I think drinking alcohol too much turns me into a cannibal of sorts.

But I thought after it when I wasn't drunk and I'm thinking... you know, what's the big deal? Like if it isn't someone you know and you get a leg. You can put it in the freezer and you can slow roast it with onions. I don't really see what the big deal is.
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I got my voice of reason, @lightbulb27, saying I'm sarcastic when I'm drunk as well as mentioning all kinds of other psychological problems that being drunk might entail! Also @TheSpaceGnome asking, "WTF is wrong with you?" for his #5 point. They are right!

I don't know because I'm drunk again! I got this ethical divide because I don't wanna kill cows or pigs or chickens. I love animals. So I'm also like one of those hippie vegans except I hate hippie vegans.
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I also don't think it's healthy to just eat plants. The animals streamline the micros, especially their organs like livers. So I'm muddled about the ethics but I don't wanna become a scrawny vegan. So I'm tempted to go the other way to cannibal.
Why Cannibalism is Evil?
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