Does the state of matter affect our level of hydration?


I have a genuinely STUPID pass to ask a genuinely stupid question. 🙋‍♀️ But I don’t know much about hydration to begin with SO

that being said:

- If you add milk product to something that you cook or bake, will that still hydrate you? And be considered hydration?

Could you hydrate from a moist cake? Or from creamy saucy pasta?

Maybe the pasta more so than the cake because of the moisture CONTENT?

Does the state of matter affect our level of hydration?

Does moisture (also) hydrate us?

Like, I thought electrolytes were some mineral or nutrient in water, that we needed, and I think it’s salt basically. Which I found out very recently. Maybe some months back. I was over here trying to drink more Gatorade… lol when I eat salt on the daily… so… I don’t think I need sodium or salt OR electrolytes- unless they had some other kinds in them, like magnesium inside the Gatorade. I ought to check, honestly.

Aside from that- I was just wondering: can you still hydrate from milk products in foods?

Sometimes when I feel dehydrated, I feel slightly more refreshed after eating- like- cheese, or drinking milk. Sometimes I crave dairy. 🤷‍♀️ So my question is essentially that.

Can you still be considered as hydrating yourself, if you consume milk? Just in another form?

Does the state of matter affect our level of hydration?


(all images sourced from Google)

13 d
Maybe it is still considered hydration but you need to consume a certain amount. I don't know.

I read somewhere that milk and soda are actually more hydrating than water cause it stays longer/ takes a longer time for our system to process. So can I hydrate with a block of cheese just like a water melon? 🍉

Clearly I need to go back to school for this lol
Does the state of matter affect our level of hydration?
8 Opinion