Programmed to Reject – Just a Random Thought

Just the other day I was stopped by a gentleman outside of the mall. He simply said “hi” to me, and passively I said hello back, not intending to stay to talk to him. However, he stopped me and asked me about my day. I was polite and responded it was well before returning the question. He stated he was the same and proceeded to politely ask me if it was too forward of him to ask for my number, because he found me very beautiful. Without even hesitating, I said that I had a boyfriend; but that I appreciated his compliment and we parted ways after shaking hands.

I paused for a moment afterwards and asked myself WHY I didn’t give him my number.

He was a nice looking guy, he did everything right and was perfectly polite and flattering, yet my automatic response was to refuse him. Why? Over dinner I really pondered the question, and I tried to tell myself he wasn’t my type. But then again he gave me no reason to assume that, so what was the real reason?

The real reason I believe is because I am programmed to reject people.

That sounds extreme but let me explain: I know from personal experience that giving out my number to someone I don’t know is gamble, even before I made the mistake of doing so. I was raised to not trust in men’s intentions, as not everybody made these intentions clear so not to scare a girl off. It was later supported after I had awful experiences when I had given in and given a guy I had met my number. Very quickly the conversations became about sex and in one case even prolonged harassment, leaving a bad taste in my mouth in regards to trusting men who ask me for my number when I’ve only just met them.

It’s true, a lot of women will reject you based on bad experiences that have nothing to do with you, but rather experiences they had in the past, along with their upbringing. There has always been the “Make him work for it” consensus and it’s been around for a long time, something I had been taught as a young girl growing up. Then of course there is the long years of weeding through the cheesy pickup lines, the attempted bar hookups, Tinder messages, and so on. You have to mass-reject to get to the one you want, and even then you might not even recognize him by the time you get there because your rejection-trigger is itchy as hell.

So here’s why I think I am personally almost programmed to reject people who cold approach: Upbringing, bad experience, continuous rejecting throughout life to find a suitable partner. That’s it. I would say the most powerful influence is definitely not knowing a guy’s intentions along with bad experiences, as it has made me wary over the years. I find myself wondering now how many opportunities I have missed out on by rejecting a guy right from the get go, based solely on a lack of trust.

That’s all I have to say on the subject. This was literally a very random thought that I just felt like sharing with you all. Feel free to add to it if you have any opinions in the threads below.

Programmed to Reject – Just a Random Thought

Programmed to Reject – Just a Random Thought
Post Opinion