The Mind Of "Me"


The mind of

I've been seeing a lot of girls write takes about the way women think or the things women go through daily, but I never relate to any of it. I believe in their writing they're trying to appeal to the idea of "most" women but that can mean one of two things.

Either they believe because they are a woman and have friends similar to themselves that the things they write would apply to most women, or I'm just not like most women. Regardless, I thought I should write about the mind of "Me" because it could also be the mind of you.

*Being a man or a woman is irrelevant to this take, I'm just writing about my worldviews and interests that might also be yours. If you're able to find yourself in my writing, I am happy I was able to represent you as well.*


The Mind Of "Me"

While I can admit makeup does look pretty from time to time, it's something I've never worn and hope to never wear. In short, I think it's disgusting but I know I need to provide reasoning as to why. I believe in natural beauty, and while many claim makeup is there to "enhance" certain features I don't see the appeal.

Makeup is simply chemicals, and regardless of confidence levels it also exists to hide "flaws" and change what you don't like about yourself. I understand makeup allows people to feel pretty, but no matter how limited the amounts used it's just a crutch. Wearing your bare face, with all its "flaws" is a sign of bravery. You are presenting yourself to the world as is, and face compliments and critcisms for things you cannot change.

Not wearing makeup should be a confidence booster, not make you feel insecure. Natural beauty is beauty in it's purest form, anything else is a knockoff. I'd much rather be loved and accepted as well as complimented on the person I actually am, and actually look like versus what I can pay to look like.

The opposite sex

The Mind Of "Me"

I think guys are simply amazing. They are fun, smart, helpful, strong. Guys are hardworking and they treat each other well. Not to mention they're absolutely beautiful. The framework of a man and the details that make up his physical features are enough to make my heart melt. I think guys are beautiful people inside and outside. Yes, there can be some bad guys out there but for the most part guys are A-1. Things I like in a guy would include:

1. Passion- video games, cars, graphic design, writing, science, art, anime, anything. Passion in a man sparks happiness in my soul.

2. Intelligence- it doesn't have to be book smarts, it could be wisdom, street smarts, whatever. Just someone I can learn things from and teach a few things as well.

3. Kindness- The most nicest people I've met are guys. They take care of their own, and they've been very good to me. I don't know if it's my quiet nature that people are just naturally inclined to do good toward me, but men have done a profound job of showing me the good things about the world.

4. Strength- Men on average are stronger than women. It's just the way they were designed. There is nothing wrong with that, in fact it's quite nice. Being around a man makes me feel safer and secure than being around a woman. And I know a guy is more inclined to protect me than a woman is. I don't know if many guys get thanked for what they sacrifice daily, but I would like to thank you now. :)

5. Restraint- I think men are more in control of their emotions than women are, well at least they're more in control of them than I am. Even if it's something that might hurt, like if I fall first and he holds back. I don't mind showing them and exposing my heart enough for him to come around. I can take it. But restraint is somewhat admirable in that men still respect you, even when they're angry. Of course if you push anyone's buttons enough they're going to snap. But guys work awefully hard not to speak out of anger and say things they'll regret.

Body "positivity"

The Mind Of "Me"

Yes, all people are deserving of love and should feel happy about themselves but I think everyone has the wrong idea about what being body "postive" should mean. All I see is body negative, promoting unhealthy lifestyles is not an acceptable thing to do. Body positive messages should be ones that encourage healthy eating and physical activity.

Settling for yourself as is, is not the same as truly loving yourself. True self love consits of continuous self improvement. You cannot love yourself if you bring harm to yourself. Whether that means eating the wrong foods or not eating any foods at all. Stop telling fat people it's okay to be fat and unhealthy and stop telling severly underweight people it's okay to be underweight and unhealthy.

We need to tell all girls and all boys that being healthy is beautiful and whatever form your body takes with the proper nutrition and exercise is a beautiful body. Healthy living is what should be promoted in these body positive messages. Obesity and anorexia aren't beautiful. Clogged arteries and malnutrition aren't beautiful. Healthy organs and physical fitness IS beautiful.


The Mind Of "Me"

I know what hard work and stress feel like, I understand the importance of education and success. The things I have I have worked hard for. However, Getting married and having a family is something that excites me like no other. I don't care much about the reception, in fact I'd rather have a really small wedding of 20 or less than to be the center of attention to hundereds of people. What excites me the most about marriage is dedicating my life to someone and building a family.

Children are innocent and deserve the best, I never got to experience what I feel all children are worthy of. Having a family and being a good parent is so important to me. It is hard to explain without going into details but my childhood is a huge contributor to that. Love is something I didn't have much of, but love is something I've cultivated. I have a lot of love in my heart to give and a family is something that reflects my deepest of values. The intimacy and commitment involved is immense, and not much else can be compared to the success of family.

Marriage is hard work, and children are hard work. I love my parents dearly, but I was born to two people who really shouldn't have had kids. Being responsible for shaping a young mind into a responsible adult is a task that has no end, but too many children are born to people who didn't plan to have them. I owe it to my future kids to become a successful woman so that they can be taken care of. I owe it to my husband to learn a grow, to expand my heart just as much as my brain.

I want to be a wife who loves and cares for her husband and a mother who loves and cares for her children. The success I achieve is done for them just as much as myself.

*This is just a small look into the mind of "Me" and I hope some of you have found a few things you can relate to. Feel free to contribute the discussion in any way and if you'd like to see a Part 2 let me know.*

The Mind Of "Me"
Post Opinion