The 3 Most Useless Gender Role Arguments

The 3 Most Useless Gender Role Arguments

1. Femininity vs. Masculinity

If you're a girl and you wear pants and have short hair, that doesn't make you a man or less feminine. If you are man who has long flowing hair and you're a stay at home dad--doesn't make you less masculine. There is no such thing any more that really defines these things in this century. People are doing just about everything, breaking all the stereotypes, and the switching of so called traditional roles is far more accepted.

2. A woman should be in the kitchen, and a man at work

There may be some societal or cultural pressure for this to be your life, but for the most part this boils down to individual couple and what they want. If some woman wants to be in the kitchen all day and her man goes to the job...and they are both fine with this arrangement, than so be it. Trying to lecture them about the evolution of mankind into this century is useless. Some people just want that life just like you may never cook a chicken, and you may be the bread winner in your household.

3. Men and women are the same

We're just not. We are just not the same. Physically, mentally, emotionally, what have you. Can a man get pregnant---still no. There are differences from here to the moon and back again, but no one wants to just accept that they exist. This doesn't mean you somehow can't do what the other gender does or doesn't do in many instances, it just means fighting about how we're all so incredibly equal in every single way, does not make it so.

The 3 Most Useless Gender Role Arguments
27 Opinion