Stupid Things Women Pay For


From tattered clothes that cost more than brand-new, to movies that the CIA uses to torture men, we look at five of the dumbest things women pay for.

1.) Expensive accessories

Stupid Things Women Pay For

We're talking purses, shoes, and outfits with a 1,000 fold markup of price, that are intrinsically worthless. "Oh why should men care?" I can hear you say. Because more often than not, we're the one's who have to pay for them, or risk our girlfriend throwing a tantrum and leaving us, GENIUS. Same with most things on this list.

2.) Romantic comedies and sitcoms.

Stupid Things Women Pay For

I'm not talking about the good sitcoms either [those are rare and outnumbered by the shitty ones 100 to one].

We're talking the usual sitcoms with no actual comedy just a three second canned laugh track that goes off either randomly or after every single sentence for no reason [see Henry Danger and Two and a Half Men.]

Shows like the brady bunch are obnoxiously clean, and even the actors are frustrated and have this toxic attitude that effects their performance, to the point where I expect someone's head to spin 360 degrees and say "you're mother sucks cocks in hell". and I'll bet the deepest circle of hell has these shows on repeat. And don't even get me started on the Sound of Music and straight-to-dvd Disney sequels.

3.) The Pink Tax

Stupid Things Women Pay For

Women are willing to pay extra for an item like a disposable razor simply because the mens are colored blue and the women's are colored, you guessed it, PINK. But that is literally the only difference. This is also known an idiot tax. So why the hell do women want to pay %50 more? For the color? Geez!

4.) Cosmetics/Surgery

Stupid Things Women Pay For

They act like makeup hides ugly. It doesn't. They look exactly like they did before only less honest. And fake boobs are not fun to touch, that's a myth in women's heads. 99% of men prefer a real C-cup over a fake double-D, which to us feel like unripe grapefruits wrapped in pork rind.

So please don't buy these, ladies, or at least don't make us buy em.

Stupid Things Women Pay For
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