
Why The MGTOW Is Growing

Boys in last 30–40 years were raised with the following words - be nice to girls, be a good person, respect women, protect them, don’t overstep your boundaries, remain healthy and one day, you’ll be in a relationship. The problem is that despite doing all that, many young men end up very unsuccessful with the opposite sex.

Why The MGTOW Is Growing

Most young men fail to get a girlfriend for long stretches of time, many stay virgins way past what society tells is “normal” and even after improving themselves by quite a lot, they still fail at being attractive.

They think “wait a minute, I did everything right. I’m a nice guy, I respected women, I never overstepped my boundaries, I went to the gym five times a week and I have a university degree, why do I still fail to get any attention from women?”

And then they see pictures like the one above.

They see that, in reality, your physical appearance matters and almost no amount of treating women nicely will increase your attractiveness. In fact, “nice guy” is now an insult.

They also see how almost all girls complain how their ex-boyfriend was this complete boor, this controlling, cheating, rude, mean person that maybe even abused them physically, maybe even sexually, but yet go back to them or go for the same type of guys.

“so, wait, I’m a fairly decent guy, I don’t abuse or disrespect women, I would never cheat or hit a girl, yet girls don’t want me but sleep with the guy that beats and cheats on them?”

This realization can hurt quite a lot and men usually blame the people that created that illusion and the women that rejected them.

When that happens, things can become very extreme.

It all becomes this grand conspiracy to keep decent men down while women go around screwing “Chads” as MGTOW often calls the type of sexually-attractive boors described earlier.

There are other big problems, like huge divorce rates that favor women, the fact these unattractive men are so often disrespected, mocked, and sacrificed by society. Similarly to feminism, the people who were dealt a bad hand in this arrangement are going to be angry, probably justifiably so.

Many of these men probably see other issues.

Why The MGTOW Is Growing

Divorce rates are quite high in today’s world, which means many of the men who make up MGTOW have to have been children of divorce. They probably saw their fathers broken. They certainly knew men that were robbed, humiliated and left alone after a nasty divorce that was just “no fault”. Meaning these men did nothing wrong, yet were chewed up and spat out. And in 70% of the cases, it’s the wife that initiates the divorce.

MGTOWs themselves probably felt loneliness, depression and sadness in the face of society’s total indifference and even outright mockery to their suffering. Maybe they had suicidal thoughts and saw that about 80% of self-killings are carried out by men, despite the media mostly portraying beautiful women killing themselves. 13 Reason Why wouldn’t have been so popular if the main theme was a pimply male nerd suicide.

All of that bottles up and leads to anger.

And the only people addressing these issues right now are MGTOW. Donald Trump isn’t talking about it, even though many of the MGTOW men supported him in 2016. In fact, he’s talking about advancing women way more. And I’m not even going to talk about the way the feminist Left-wing portrays MGTOW, but the usual theme is to compare them to school shooters, pimply nerds and losers.

So, why is MGTOW growing?

Because all of these problems are only getting worse and worse. Anyone that addresses them is labeled a misogynist, a Nazi, a right-winger, a loser and so on. And sooner or later, when you’re shoving men into the societal underground, they’ll form their own little clubhouse and they’ll say “fuck off” to everything you ask of them. The whole name means “Men Going Their Own Way”.

That’s MGTOW in a nutshell - men telling society to fuck off.

Why The MGTOW Is Growing
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