I'm In between two women, but not in a good way. The solution? Read on.

Viva las my mind
Viva las my mind

Ever since my girlfriend and I went to Vegas, and had my platonic friend watch my house and pets, its been non stop jealousy between them.

For a year they have been aware of each other. I've been upfront and honest with nothing to hide or leading anyone on or playing any mind games. Simple enough, no misunderstanding, so I thought. Until.

Girlfriend intercepts a text from platonic friend about my dog got out of the yard. Failing to tell me that, she flips out about a woman at my place. Despite the fact I'm 852 miles from that woman. And she pressed the issue non stop, except for the few days when we were having sex..But every moment she was grilling me. On the flight home, when we got home. So whatever happened in Vegas didn't stay in Vegas this time. So we get to my place no woman...like I've told my girlfriend. Next day platonic friend expected I was breaking up with girlfriend down there. Which is idiotic, because I'm not spending 2 grand on a girl so I can break up with her. Since then its been a war of words at me to them for a month now. So my only solution. A meeting of the minds and bodies in the hot tub New Years eve.

I'm In between two women, but not in a good way. The solution? Read on.
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