Why women are insecure


You know why so many girls care so much about their weight and how they look, and why so many guys barely care about that at all?..

You know why so many girls are obsessed with fashion and clothes, you know why so many girls put other girls down for how they look...

Because parents raise girls to judge, parents raise little girls to be pretty and feminine, and look good, they raise them to follow models and be like the other girls...they raise them to care about clothing.

While parents raise boys to care less, they raise boys to be masculine and strong and not give a crap about their looks, they raise them to be dominant and free, they raise them with video games and toy cars.

I was raised very much like my brother, I was free to play on the PC, play with toy cars, draw, sing, do whatever I wanted, I didn't stress about clothing and my mum didn't shove it down my throat. I thank her for this, because now I realize that I have become quite a nonjudgmental person and someone that would never give a flying hell about fashion or appearance or my weight or someone else's.

I'm not insecure....I can't say the same about a lot of my friends, constantly everyday, they wear makeup to be like most other girls, they strive to look perfect, they force themselves to look pretty, they cry and freak out, they have so many insecurities. My friend messaged me today saying she had a panic attack over her weight.

This...I hate this.. Cruel girls that were raised horribly constantly rolled their eyes at me and my friends, they always gossiped and put down their own friends too.

My brother, never faced these problems, he was free to wear what he liked, do what he wanted to and didn't have to worry about appearance.

My friends once, very kind and caring usually. I caught them one day talking shit about our friend who wore male deodorant... these kind amazing people, were gossiping and saying horrible things about her, who the FUCK cares if she wears male deodorant, I just despise how much other peoples lives bother other people...

The reason why girls are so insecure is because of society.. While men have issues such as not being allowed to show emotions, cry, and aren't allowed to hit back girls... rarely any of them face the insecurities of weight and the right clothing to wear that will impress their friends...

It sucks........

Why women are insecure

Don't believe anything I said. Their was a news experiment, they had a man wear the same suit 10 days in a row, and no one noticed, no one cared. A woman than wore the same dress 10 days in a row, and she got constant hate mail just on day 2, everyone called her out on it, everyone ridiculed her.

So you know what, with how stupid and ridiculous this fucking bullshit going on with females or whatever, I'm over it, and I will not follow the basic rules of being a "lady," and I hope other women join with me on saying that:

Who cares what you wear

Who cares about your weight

Who cares about your looks

Who cares how you act

And just Who cares...... Its your freaking life!

And if people really care, then they were raised horribly and at least now you can tell which one of your friends is living a lie and will forever be insecure.

Why women are insecure
19 Opinion