How to become a positive person in 3 steps

Step 1: Learn to notice the small positive things

How to become a positive person in 3 steps

Think about when you get into bed in the evening after a hard day, when a delicious cup of coffee warms your body in the morning, the taste of the dessert your friend made for you, the feeling of your favorite sweater against your skin ... there are thousands of nice little details hiding in a day, but we are often in too much of a hurry to pay attention. So start by focusing on these moments of pleasure and enjoy them.

Step 2: Activate the positive

How to become a positive person in 3 steps

Now that you've gotten into the habit of enjoying little positive things, you can take the ritual a step further. Take a photo every day of something that makes you happy. This habit forces us to activate our "joy seeker" mode.

Step 3: Overcoming the blues

How to become a positive person in 3 steps

Little things can help to quickly overcome the blues that we all experience from time to time:

  • Cooking/baking: there's nothing like preparing your favorite dish to cheer up. And if the cooking part doesn't work, the tasting part will definitely make you smile!

  • Take a shower and brush your teeth: if you're feel low, the simple act of taking a shower and brushing your teeth can sometimes be enough to cheer you up.This tip brings back a feeling of freshness, the impression of being more awake and of being ready to start a new day.

  • Listen to your favorite music: a little tired ? A bit sad ? Music always evokes strong emotions, so use this incredible tool to cheer you up. To ward off negative feelings, you can even prepare your "Happiness" playlist in advance.

  • Get some fresh air: scientists have long proven that fresh air and the presence of nature can boost morale and develop creativity, unlike being curled up in front of a computer screen. You don't have to go for a long a hike, a simple stroll in the park often clears your mind and eliminates worries.

  • Help someone in need: charity always triggers positive emotions. First, out of empathy for the person being helped, but also because it goes back to self-esteem and the feeling of doing something good. Donate a few dollars to a charity, give a sandwich to a homeless person, take the time to help an elderly person get on the bus ... a small gesture is enough.

  • Smile: lots of research has shown that if a happy state of mind triggers a smile, the opposite is also true. By smiling, the neurons immediately receive a positive message. So try this tip which only takes a second, but that makes a huge difference to your mood.

  • Call a loved one: when your day doesn't go as planned, the feeling of loneliness when facing problems is often what leads to depression. A phone call to a loved one will remind you that you are not alone and will help you to feel better.

How to become a positive person in 3 steps
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