Why do I feel like my attractiveness is a curse to find a decent relationship?


Hi, My name is Katie and being attractive always feeling like a curse .

1: Always get tons likes from unwanted men

I did start noticed that the unwanted men just like me and did sometime sent I message what I didn't even went at all .

Why do I feel like my attractiveness is a curse to find a decent relationship?

2 Crazy guys

these guys always find way to feel one way other another to trying to get into a woman too fast and when a woman knew if guy too fast saying I love you on first time message on dating .just seem like just wan to hookup or just has short term relationship . this how you going to turn off most of the women .

Why do I feel like my attractiveness is a curse to find a decent relationship?

3: Men that saw blonde chick and assume she just after sex or a slut

just because a woman is blonde it doesn't mean she only after sex or hookup .these guys are dumb user on the plant of earth and not tell the different from the good women to a Sex worker .Sex worker one that you paid for having sex . being slut just mean sex as many men as possible and get lots of STDs. not intellective to have a eduction or have a job .

4: Thinking is so easy for you to get a date and have a relationship .

It could be easy to have a toxic relationship or get with a player and also been cheated on more than once . we can find relationship very easy if women is attractive . this must be stupid shit . it is not easy for attractiv3 women to find a good relationship but can find a bad relationship very easy . this saying doesn't help at all and no one wonder the way women give up with men when they're trying to find a decent and not an idiot .

5: men that just acted dumb to get attention from women they could have like

It ok for men to be dumb to just get attention from a woman they like or get into a relationship and starter to get more dumb . these guys are an idiot, and they do really understand women at all . like to hang out with women friend and doesn't care about his partner feeling. also like to smoke or vape and drink alcohol . do dumb things on YouTube or TikTok.

Why do I feel like my attractiveness is a curse to find a decent relationship?

6: men assume that women without any female friend is deal break and also red flag .

just because a woman doesn't have any female it doesn't mean they're going to cheat on you with their guy friends . some women tried to be friends with women, but they see us as a threat and can't keep friends for long term . I grow up more with men as my friends because I want to a learning disability special school there were more men there, and I didn't have many female friends . I would prefer to play the men there .

will be part 1 and will enough now .see ya soon from Katie

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VR Headset Oculus Quest 2

here is the pic of me

Why do I feel like my attractiveness is a curse to find a decent relationship?

IN the USA in 2018 Orlando & Florida

Why do I feel like my attractiveness is a curse to find a decent relationship?
20 Opinion