Why do girls feel used and cry after sex/need cuddles and affection after intimacy. Doesn't this prove women aren't made to sleep around like men?

Excuse my generalisation, i know not all women are like this, but from my experience and women i have spoken to it seems like a confident well adjusted women wouldn't be sleeping around.

I don't mean never having sex with anyone that is not a boyfriend yeah they can have a one of sexual encounter with a friend etc but it tends to not happen as often. Like for instance my ex, she even told me she has daddy issues. She sleeps around ALOT, as in all a guy has to do is pay her a little attention and tell her to come over and she drops her knickers. Even when me and her first met we spoke for a couple days and i went over to her place to hang out, i had no desire to have sex with her that night and we didn't but while i was over she kind of acted like if i tried to have sex with her that night i could have, i wasn't going to anyway because we just met. She even told me afterwards if i tried to we probably would have had sex that night.

Time after time she tells me she met this guy at a bus stop, started speaking couple days later she is having sex with him. In the space of about 2 months she slept with 6 different guys. Anyway this is all fine i guess if she was still a confident young women right. But time after time she would say she would feel used and upset when the guy rolled over and fell asleep, well duhh the guy doesn't even know you and you jumped into bed with him. Why would he hug you when he hasn't even got a chance to get to know you or like you.

She would tell me she would cry after sex sometimes, and instantly regret all the casual sex she was having. When she would tell me about it she would claim they were all massive mistakes and she wishes it never happened but then would be doing the same thing soon after.

I don't know generally when have you ever heard of a man needing a hug or affection after sex, or crying after a fling with a random girl. Maybe a few guys but these things point to emotion, girls need emotion during sex, yes or no?
Why do girls feel used and cry after sex/need cuddles and affection after intimacy. Doesn't this prove women aren't made to sleep around like men?
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