Why do I attract only the ugly and unattractive girls eveytime?

I really do hate it.. To be honest it's not flattering at all, it's actually quite humiliating and shatters my confidence/appearance because it makes me feel like I'm ugly and undesirable knowing that I inly attract the ugly girls. I wanna attract the attractive, hot and pretty girls with fit, healthy bodies even though I know for a fact that these girls are shallow but I still want to attract them because it's what I'm attracted to and it'll make me happy and confident knowing that I'm attractive enough to attract the most desired girls. I'm sick and tired of the ugly girls always wanting to date me, it's not what I want. I always see hot girls on public, school, in my class but they never even glance at me once and it's heartbreaking that I'm not good enough for them.
Why do I attract only the ugly and unattractive girls eveytime?
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