But doesn't that mean that she wouldn't keep talking about it? She tries to rationalize it by saying she's only joking, but she doesn't know how crappy it makes me feel. Also, she gets so mad at me. Even if I don't say anything wrong, if something makes her upset, she shuts me out and sometimes yells and swears at me. ( I'm a Christian, and so is she, so that's a huge thing.)
I bend over backwards to make her happy, I do everything for her, from driving her everywhere because she hates driving, getting groceries for her, making lunch for her, and doing her homework(we're both in College, so you can imagine the work load.) But if I even mention I can't do something for her or I can't hang out sometimes because of homework, she gets so mad at me. And if I ask her if she can do one small thing for me, her answer is always "maybe." Not like me, where it's always "Absolutely."
I'm just so confused. And she barely ever says I love you in person or in text, only "yup, uh huh, or cool." It's like I'm putting my heart on a silver platter, and she smashes it with a hammer. Don't get me wrong, I love her more than words can contain, and my than I can imagine. I would die for her, and I serve her out of pure love, and I never get mad at her, I've never raised my voice at her, and I've never gave her any mean looks. I treat her like gold.
Why does it feel so one-sided, and what can I do to make things right? I have no intentions of leaving her. I just want our yolk to be equal again. Why is my girlfriend so mean to me? :( Please help me?
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