Ladies why does that butt ugly dork Pete Davidson keep getting hot women?

How the fuck does this ugly monster keep getting attractive women? Explain this shit right now and don't say some cliche shit like "Ohh he's confident blah blah blah." It's not confidence or money because these ladies are wealthy. WTF! is going on?
He tainted Carly Aquilino's
He tainted Kate Beckinsale's lips
Ladies why does that butt ugly dork Pete Davidson keep getting hot women?
Cazzie David... Seriously?
Ladies why does that butt ugly dork Pete Davidson keep getting hot women?
Ariana Grande. Not even sure how this one happened considering she can get any guy.
Ladies why does that butt ugly dork Pete Davidson keep getting hot women?
Him hanging out with Kaia Gerber (age 18). Girl you can fuck any rich guy and you go after that troll of a man?
Ladies why does that butt ugly dork Pete Davidson keep getting hot women?
LooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooL. this is what women find alpha in the year 2019? Bwahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Gag girls is this the big turn on of 2019? lmao!
Ladies why does that butt ugly dork Pete Davidson keep getting hot women?
Ladies why does that butt ugly dork Pete Davidson keep getting hot women?
18 Opinion