Why I will never have a girlfriend?

Some guys have a big problem with getting rejected. I'm glad to say that I don't have this problem. You know why? Because I never approach girls in the first place. It's not because I'm ugly and undesirable either. I'm average looking at my worst with a soccer player body. I'm 21 years old and I can safely say that more girls have approached me than I have approached them.

I have 0 actual friends that are girls because I never ever try and talk to girls.

I never put any effort into chasing women like most other guys do. Like literally 0 effort. The first girl I made out with had to literally throw herself at me because I sat there ignoring her staring at me for 5 minutes (she was literally right next to me watching me play Halo). Don't get me wrong, I love the fairer sex, but I just never make any effort whatsoever to talk to ya'll.

I've tried to think of reasons why I don't try at all and so far I've come to the conclusion that I'm either:

A. Ashamed of needing a woman to be happy

B. Too scared at the thought of rejection (even though I've never been rejected)

C. Need to lose my virginity so I know what I'm missing

D. Probably all the above and more

A lot of girls give me signs that they want me to go over and talk to them but I usually just ignore all these obvious signs. I guess its mostly because I don't know what to say and I don't want to come off as desperate so I just never try. They probably think I'm just too stupid to notice these signs or just not interested.

Also, I seem to always make up reasons as to why I don't like a girl that is into me. If a girl makes it clear that she wants me it's like I suddenly lose interest.

And so I don't see myself ever really having a girlfriend because of these reasons.

+1 y
Sorry I forgot an important thing at the end. -->>>>> /rant

Why I will never have a girlfriend?
Post Opinion