Do you ever feel that nobody listens or notices you?

I always think back to this moment, it was my first Spanish class in college and I was super nervous and was sitting next to this random nice-looking girl. She initiated a conversation with me (I can't remember exactly what she said), but it helped ease my nerves a bit about being alone in the class. That is until I tried to respond.. and I look up to realize she was on her phone and not at all listening to my response to her comment, I stopped speaking in the middle of the my sentence and that was that. That's just one example, but I feel like this kinda thing happens a lot with friends, family, strangers. I can say something or try to contribute to a conversation and just get ignored. I can sometimes speak softly so that could be it part of the time but I feel like it's more than that, like maybe my presence is just easy to overlook.
Do you ever experience this? Or maybe you've noticed it happen to someone?
Do you ever feel that nobody listens or notices you?
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