Girls, Do you think my mother in law knows I wore her clothes?

Hi, I am a 28 year old guy and currently living with my wife at her parents home. When I am home alone I sometimes like to wear her mum's clothes (jeans and tips) and even tried her perfume and I always make sure I put everything back as was found.
However one day I saw that she had randomly placed the exact bottle of perfume that I had tried clearly on display by the home's front door and I am wondering whether this is an obvious sign that she knows what I have been doing?
For information she has around 20 different bottles of purfume so this is why I am concerned she found the exact one I tried and displayed it. Plus she has never done this before.
I must also add that I never saw her wear the same items of clothes again after I had worn them which she had before worn often.
Am I simply paranoid or do you think she has somehow known what I have been doing?
Girls, Do you think my mother in law knows I wore her clothes?
3 Opinion