Girls, Be honest is dating and relationships about having fun with multiple guys or finding one true guy?

This is something I have a tough time dealing with. I know girls have options. Girls get tons of DM’s by guys on social media and forums or approached in person. As a guy, all I can do is be myself, be positive, be a gentleman, tell my intentions and my goals in life, be funny but also caring.

But even then I feel like it’s not good enough. I can’t take girls seriously either because I’ve had girls ask me for one night stands and dick pics and I’m not down with that. Surprising as that may sound especially in this era where it seems like a total fuck culture/have fun drinking/doing drugs/partying…If I don’t fit that category it seems like girls will deem me “not fun to be with”.
Girls, Be honest is dating and relationships about having fun with multiple guys or finding one true guy?
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