Girls, How many of you don't wear makeup like at all?

I just want to know, because I am feeling really excluded from um, womanhood atm. Every woman I've seen in my whole life always wears makeup, it maybe a little bit or a lot, and if they don't wear it often then they at least wear it to special occasions.

Now I completely understand why you would wear it whether it be to look feminine, to express your self artistically, to be artistic in general, to look pretty, to look cool etc... its whatever you can do whatever you want.

But personally I hate makeup, I hate the feeling of it (sensory processing disorder I be damned), I hate how Im pressured to wear it all the time by friends and by family, I hate how it takes me hours to get it off. But because I don't wear it, I get seen as a child a lot (Im 19) , I get seen as a weirdo, Im seen as unattractive too and all kinds of other stuff.

But I just really don't want to wear it ever, not even to special occasions, can't I just be myself and not wear it? anyway anyone else not wear it?
I don't wear it at all
I wear a lot of it
I wear it but its not much
I only wear it on special occasions
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Girls, How many of you don't wear makeup like at all?
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