Shouldn’t grown women be called out for flaky immature behavior?

I had a 33 year old woman give me a last second bs lie on why she couldn’t show up on a first date yesterday. She said she was feeling sick but I’m almost sure she’s lying. It was just the way she said it.

I never said or did anything creepy or inappropriate (I was very careful about that). In fact she was the one you acted more flirty to begin with. We were going to meet in a public place.

I just told her “well that’s unfortunate. I guess i will hear back when you feel better.” She left a love emoticon to the response but hasn’t said anything since. I am not going to message her.

As a grown man I don’t make up bs excuses to women to get out of dates or blow them off. If I go on a date to discover she’s not my type I’ll be respectfully honest if she follows up. I admit when I was much younger I sometimes made up bs excuses. But after 30 I definitely got more mature and honest.

But when I see grown women acting this way I get pissed. in my opinion they deserve to be called out because at a certain age you should have enough experience to know better.

She’s actually one of the much lesser transgressions I’ve dealt in recent years. But I’ve met several grown ass women who just won’t grow up when it comes to communication.
1 y
UPDATE: she started texting me again and wants to meet up. As it turns out it I was smart to play it cool earlier. I guess my paranoia stems from a lot to bad past experiences.
Shouldn’t grown women be called out for flaky immature behavior?
5 Opinion