Girls, Is it a big deal to ask an IG model I get on well with (but I'm not friends with in real life) if she wants to stay in touch?

So, this is probably a stupid question, and I think I know the answer, but I would like a woman's perspective on this. There's a model that I've interacted with a few times on Instagram who I've gotten along with quite well. There was an IG live thing that we did, talked and joked around for a little over an hour, had a few conversations besides that; it's been decent but not a ton of contact.

I want to delete my instagram account now, for personal reasons, but I'd like to stay in touch with the model, so I sent her a message stating as much. I sent the message about a day ago, and I've seen her post to her story since that time, but she hasn't even openned my DM. Naturally I'm kind of wondering if maybe her answer is that she doesn't want to stay in touch. I've also thought about the fact that what I'm asking of her is kind of a big deal and that she probably wants time to think things over. At least, I know that it would be a big deal to me, if I was in her position. The model and I live in different countries, so even if she stayed in touch with me, it's not like there's a ton of additional intimacy.

I'm just curious about what the feminine take is on this situation? How big of a deal is it for a man to ask a woman he's met online, to stay in touch? What would you do in her position?
That's a huge deal, dude. You have to give her some time to think
It's kind of a big deal, but it's been a day, you probably have your answer by now, honestly
It's kind of a big deal, but give her more time to think
it's not a big deal at all man, sadly, you already have your answer.
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Girls, Is it a big deal to ask an IG model I get on well with (but I'm not friends with in real life) if she wants to stay in touch?
1 Opinion