She didn't move away when our legs touched in the hot tub for at least 30 seconds?


My crush (F26) and I (M28) were sitting next to each other in the hot tub. After cooling off on the ledge she got back in beside me and (perhaps unintentionally) lightly put her leg against my leg around the knee cap/quad area. I didn't move and neither did she for at least 30 seconds. It was all I was aware of and thinking about for those 30 seconds. I didn't move because obviously I liked it.

Fast forward 1 week later and we're both sandwiched in the backseat of a car where it was unavoidable to be overlapping shoulders because it was so squished. Far less room than the hot tub. However, we both consciously kept our legs to ourselves because we were in the open with other people around. I imagined touching her leg with my leg in the backseat and it felt totally inappropriate, like I would've been making a move on her or something.

Now thinking back to the hot tub moment, shouldn't we have been even more conscious of not touching since we were half naked under water? What made that situation different? It makes me wonder if it was the jets going and the water that made us feel safe and private to touch legs, like it was our little secret?

What do you think this means?

She didn't move away when our legs touched in the hot tub for at least 30 seconds?
6 Opinion