Attraction to a certain height is a modern thing?

Women say they want tall men or rather known "men over 6 feet" but has that always been the case that women want someone of a set height? , no. If that would be the case then our population would have died out long ago or be much much smaller then it is. Height itself is a very modern thing especially 6 feet. Women who say they are attracted to tall men means they want someone taller then they are. They don't want a 6 feet guy they want someone who's taller, could just be 2 inches more then her. Most powerful men were short and the shortest and most powerful was just 5.2 Alexander the great.

What's really important for a woman is knowing his character and ability to provide. Confidence and assertiveness are what women want in a man or rather mate and that he isn't letting himself be pushed around by her. Height is used as a toxic dating trend which keeps women single and miserable. The more you act like a mature adult the more you will be desired by the other sex. A tall dude who acts like a 12 year old isn't gonna have a chance with women.

Attraction to a certain height is a modern thing?
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