Smoking makes me anxious but I can’t stop?

I’ve been smoking weed pretty much daily for about 4 years now, for the longest time I only smoked at night but I’ve started occasionally smoking in the day for the past year or so.
I’ve noticed it makes me extremely anxious especially when I have to interact or even walk past people. I get so internally terrified it’s embarrassing lol. I love the feeling of being high and it helps me escape my thoughts but since I smoke every day I’m having high anxiety really often and it’s getting overbearing.
But yet when I’m not high, I find myself wanting/needing to smoke and looking forward to it. I don't know I know I should stop smoking so much but I’m having a really hard time actually wanting to stop, smoking is like the highlight of my day because everything else sucks. I stay up until like 5-6am just smoking weed.
I just smoked before writing this and I’m walking home so anxious and uncomfortable, but I can probably promise that I’ll do it again later even though it makes me feel horrible. Is this it being addictive or is it a problem with me?

I kinda just wanted to vent about what I’m struggling with, but any advice or responses would be nice. It would be comforting if someone could relate
Smoking makes me anxious but I can’t stop?
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