Am I getting signals?


The signals that I think I'm getting are:

1. I'm about to graduate and have been considering getting my PhD, within a couple of days she became very adamant about me staying in our university to continue my education (she still has about 3 years left). She actually us the most adamant person for me to continue.

2. She got sick during the trip our club took and when I wasn't doing my responsibilities I was sitting by her caring for her and making her warm tea, she admitted to me that she loved that I made her tea.

3. One of the days I was up late with 2 of our mutual friends, I made a comment about how my heart is back on its bullshit and they both just looked and said oh we know. The told me she is in a "it's complicated relationship". The night before we left back for our home state we I was inside the house with her (most of us were camping but the sick people got to stay in the house) and I laid right next to her for about 2 hours and we just talked, some personal stuff and laughed and all that kinda stuff. At some point she out of know where brings up her it's complicated relationship and explains that it's just a friend that likes her but she never will like him. To me I think this could be read as 2 ways , either your on the same stage as this other dude or "I'm single fyi".

4. Continuing with the house situation, she was also very adamant that I sleep inside, there was a moment like I looked like I was getting sick but even after it was clear I was ok she kept pressing me to stay inside and when I would say I'm not sick and there isn't room she would point to spots immediately next to her. On the trip back there wasn't a moment we were separated, when she would fall asleep se would also often fall asleep with her head towards me as if in my lap but I was a seat However at the very end of everything she said see ya later buddy. Am I just looking to deeply into everything or am I getting signals and the buddy means nothing

Am I getting signals?
7 Opinion