or NOT be friends with her?

I know myself, I am usually a nice person, but I think sadly it took more than that, and I've sadly been judged based on the above categories in the past!
or NOT be friends with her?
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Looks don't really matter in terms of beauty but I would probably make assumptions on makeup/dress which is kinda rude I know. I wouldn't avoid anyone but I'd then make judgements based on their personality and what I find out from just chatting. I think I'm quite polite unless there's something someone does something that's completely over the line so I've stayed cordial with people I've found annoying before becoming friends when I realise they're actually pretty nice. Everything else doesn't matter, if I like her I like her
main thing is her personality. like if i like how she is and if she's fun to hang out with. also if we shared similar interest and stuff
then there's other things like her age (if your too young or old it would be weird to be actual friends), also she can't be like dirty or dress/look really bad either or be someone that it would be embarassing to be friends (might be shallow but whatever). if we're too different and can't get along that well also can't be friends. or if she's a huge bitch obviously too
Wtf. None of these. I look for generally how I feel around the person and if they are kind and nice first of all. But apart from that:
- Do we share the same sense of humour?
-Do we click in terms of personality? Values?
-Do we have shared interests?
-Are they confident? (everyone has insecurities, but I don't do insecure friends anymore due to bad experiences with them.)
-Are they fun to hang out with?
Generally, I don't have a mental "list" in my head of how a friend should be. I just go with instinct and if I feel good around them.
That's great that you gave an honest answer. Some people do (believe it or not), have shallow or superficial reasons for not being friends or even liking someone, in this case with their same sex or gender. Sad but true!
I would say personality and first impressions. I have met all my bestest of friends in the weirdest of ways, not necessarily that the situation in itself was weird, (e. g. a lot of times it has just been in school) but collision of our two personalities created an abnormal (but fun) interaction. things that just left a very good first impression. I myself, throughout all 10 schools I have been to (so far) have always been labelled the weird, hyper, annoying kid, (Yes, I do have ADHD) and was bullied and excluded by my peers (and even some teachers) and I will admit that I just can't be friends with 'normal' people, I am not saying that, trust me. People think I am insane.
Her personality is important.
I dont like bitch drama Queen copycat
I had a friend that complained about what I buy, but then I find out everytime i go at her house that she copy me and bought what I buy.
And twhen we go to the restaurant she would say that we can both pay 50%, but then end up telling me to pay 100%. Another day she offered me to have a bite on her hamburgare at McDonalds to see if its good or not, but then she wanted me to pay full price just because I toke a bite.
I don't like a best friend i had once she did not respect my family. She prioritized her time before my mom's time. My mom is good at making braids and othetär hair styles and sometimes she does my friends her for free. One day my mom was very busy, but my friend wanted to order my mom to to her hair. I stopped being her friend.
Personality, mostly. I work with someone who I couldn’t befriend outside of work. She’s really obnoxious.
Lifestyle does play a factor. If our lives are in totally different places, it might be hard to have a friendship where we would hangout.
We gotta be goofy and gossipy af and have totally different taste in men
I guess whether or not she's a nice person and if our personalities mesh.
if we share the bond of being complete idiots.
If we share the same views on very important things to me
Probably her sense of humor.
Her personality
They way she treats other people…..
How she behaves around
If she's loyal friend.
Common interests.
if she's herself & is godly
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