Has her feelings towards me changed?


Bit of a long story before I start. Where I work a new girl has joined. She's essentiality my work neighbour. At first I had no romantic interest, our relationship was pure friendly. When I got to know her on a more personal level and learned more about her personality I developed a crush. My other female friend (let's call her Ann) seeing this spoke with her about our closeness and what she felt about me. She didn't feel the same way. She only saw me as a friend. Ann told me she didn't want anything to be awkward between us and that she was just gonna act normal from now on. I understood and from then on I made sure to simply act as friends whenever we saw each other. But the problem was what came next. Despite her saying she wanted to act normal around me so nothing was awkward she in my opinion was getting way closer to me than I was. Whenever and while we spoke she would lean in so close to me into my personal space that her scarf and chest were touching my arms. When I'm talking with others I would catch her glancing at me. I was on a phonecall to my hospital and while she was talking to her friend I caught her a few times looking at me. We like to prank each other now. I didn't think these things to mean anything but I was confused a bit. Recently she has started playfully hitting me. I'm here to ask, has her feelings changed? Or is this how girls act towards close guy friends. I should point out recently when we went to the station together she mentioned how a shop we went passed only hires attractive people and I accidently slipped out how she was more attractive than them. I wouldn't say she blushed but she let out a "awwwwww" if you know what I mean. I also don't want Ann to ask her for me because I don't want this to get back to her

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Also is there a way for me to know without asking her or having my friends ask her.
Has her feelings towards me changed?
5 Opinion