I'm soo confused. What are her intentions? Is she interested or not?


I met a woman through work (not the same company) and I felt an immediate spark. We would call and talk and and giggle. We'd send witty flirty emails. For 6 months it never went outside work. Then I had a loss that hit me. That day, I was off work but she called me early (I use my personal mobile for work) which was unusual, and before anything was said, she asked if I was OK because she had a feeling. I told her what happened and we spoke. She gave me her mobile# and we began texting. We still call every week but in work hours, we bunk off and just talk, what's going on with each other... She opened up, so I did. I felt like we were vulnerable with each other, which I liked. We comforted each other. This has been for 9 months, and we've never met in person. I tell her I'd like to take her to lunch, she says when she gets her life together. It's become a running joke, "I want to take someone for lunch, but they've got to be (describes her), know anyone?" She replys with "I'll keep an eye out." We live 2 hours apart so I get that it's a bit harder to organise. A few weeks back, our texts increased to every day. Sometimes a few messages, sometimes it goes all day and night. We've started calling outside of work, sometimes late at night, I hear her struggling to stay awake. We are open emotionally, and she's been struggling in life. She asks why nobody will pick her as a partner. I think to myself "I would". I've told her what I think of her, but never directly how I feel. Our flirting is always on the edge, we never strike. I've fallen for her. I've not felt this way before. She's the first and last person I think of, and not much else. She asks; what I look for in a partner? what's my love language? What's my love history? We match on all fronts but she tells me we're at different points in our life (she's older), we're not compatible, or don't trust me. So what does she want? What is our relationship? Why ask romantic questions if no interest? What do I do?

I'm soo confused. What are her intentions? Is she interested or not?
5 Opinion