I feel like I'm being infantilized, am I really or not?

I feel like Im being infantilized, am I really or not?

There's a girl in one of my classes who's been nothing but trouble. She's been told me I look like a freshman, stares at me the times she's made me cry in class or when I covered my ears when the fire alarm went off. She asked me "You know (insert name), right?" when her friend was there. I used to work with her friend and she was trouble too. For many reasons, I ignore they exist and asked the teacher specifically not to be put with her. But they still act like nothing ever happened between us and tries to convince the whole class that I'm cold and insane. And she doesn't respect my boundaries. I brought cards against humanity and she asked to play. I said no. But apparently "no" means "yes," "fuck off" means "come stick around," and "go back to your table" means "keep sitting here," She seems to be pretty convincing to the class because when she refused to leave, I stormed off and cried in the bathroom feeling hurt, angry, and like a pushover while they played the game I brought without me. 5-10 minutes later I eventually thought to myself that this was unacceptable and I grew a spine and kicked her out or I'd put the game away

I feel like I'm being infantilized, am I really or not?
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