Women then and women now?

And women now?

I'm getting a feeling, that if I say something now, that someone on GAG will just delete this genuine question. But of course there are still many women, that do impressive things. It would be a pretty good match for me. We don't have to be proficient with javelins or horses anymore but instead with the modern stuff e. g. entrepreneurship (or running a business or investing/trading), basic automobile maintenance or other useful modern skills. Things, that say "I'm not useless. I can do things beyond binge watching Disneyplus (or whatever)" without saying it.

In any case i love women.

Just not the one's heavily obsessed with social media, absorbing way, WAY too much tik tok nonsense or making money on OnlyFans.

To balance my point out, I can say similar things about men. Gaming addiction, overspending and hoarding fortnite skins and probably something else but that's what the ladies can tell me.

Women then and women now?
Post Opinion