Why is this trend of girls recording in the gym to slander men getting so out of hand?


Please, I need answers for this question.

I say "girls" because mature women do not do this. So many guys get falsely accused of "creeping" on girls at the gym so these girls can get some tiktok fame.

I was motivated to go to the gym tonight, but turned back when I saw 4 girls dressed in tight workout clothes with their phones on tripods, just standing around instead of working out. 2 other guys with me turned away as well. We did not feel safe working out because of the fear of one second of spacing out after a hard set getting us on tiktok and our reputations being ruined.

Yes, there ARE legitimate cases of weirdos at the gym, but they are so far into being the minority at the gym.

Why is this trend of girls recording in the gym to slander men getting so out of hand?
4 Opinion